Colonic Hydrotherapy

What is Colonic Hydrotherapy?

Colonic hydrotherapy, or colonic irrigation is a simple ancient procedure to wash the colon. During a session, the therapist will insert a speculum in your rectum. The speculum has a small feeding tube and an outlet. The therapist will gradually and gently fill your colon with water while allowing the waste to come out.

The actual treatment lasts between 35-45 min. Whilst it may feel a little odd at first, it should not hurt or smell. Some minor discomfort should be expected as you fill up but it is immediately relieved as you inform the therapist you are ready to release.

Before the treatment

No special preparation is necessary. No fasting or dietary requirement is required before or after the treatment.

You will be asked to remove all items of clothing from the waist down. Although you will be covered with a towel, it is recommended to wear a top you can keep on. Wearing or bringing socks is a good idea, it your feet get cold easily.

After the treatment

People generally feel much lighter, energised and with a desire to continue the day on a healthier road. Occasionally, people may also feel a little tired and even a little queasy. This will soon pass but it is advisable not to plan a busy schedule after a treatment.

Since the cleanse may flush some of the good bacteria (if you actually have any, that is!), you will be provided with an extra-strength probiotic. The therapist may also suggest a few dietary changes.

Benefits of Colonic Hydrotherapy

The principal purpose of the colonic hydrotherapy is to hydrate the colon. Also to remove impacted waste matter from the colon walls; strip disease causing bacteria and repopulate with beneficial bacteria.

  • Eliminate Constipation
  • Eliminate Bloating
  • Eliminate Candida
  • More Energy
  • More Nourishment
  • Better Digestion
  • Regulate Sugar Imbalances
  • Boost Immune System
  • Kill Parasites
  • Reduce PMT Symptoms
  • Help IBS and Chrones
  • Conquer Cravings
  • Feel Lighter and Motivated
  • Less Hungry
  • Improve Your Mood
  • Fight Depression
  • Improve Mental Clarity
  • Less Stress
  • Better Sleep
  • Reduce PMT Symptoms
  • Lift the Mental Flog
  • Weight Loss
  • Better Skin
  • Youthful Appearance
  • Thinner Waist
  • Stronger Hair and Nails

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, it is! There are no known incidents coming from a trained colonic therapist. Any stories circulating have taken place when people have used their garden hose etc.

It should not hurt. However, there may be some discomfort as the therapist makes your colon full.

No, it doesn’t. All faeces go through the tube and so do all smells.

Yes. Well, if you have any that is. If you don’t follow a raw vegan diet and take probiotics on a regular basis the chances are you don’t actually have many beneficial bacteria anyway. But, yes, it would get stripped away with the bad ones. That’s why we repopulate your gut immediately after the treatment with a strong probiotic.

As above, if you have a perfect diet and you go about twice a day naturally, you may not need it.

If you are perfectly healthy, perhaps twice or three times a year. If you are trying to correct an issue, your therapist may recommend a course of 3-6 treatments within a few weeks.

Yes, there are smaller specula for children. There is no reason why an older person could not have treatment.

Yes. You may want to pop a tampon in if you have an appointment scheduled for the wrong time of the month.

Depends if they are active or inactive. The therapist will assess the area and will decide the best course of action.

While most diseases will benefit from having a colonic, the therapist will reserve her right to perform a colonic on some people with serious diseases.


Single Session: £65

Call us on  07963 692 441 or send us a message / WhatsApp. 

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